I have a beautiful toddler. L is the light of my life (and the bane of my existence at times – as all toddlers are). She has a terminal illness called Pulmonary Hypertension. Unless a cure is discovered, it will eventually kill her. Lovely to think about, right? L has been sick since the day she was born…and we are just now hitting a point where she has more good days than bad days. So, its time for me to start letting me express myself and be not only a mommy.

I also like to educate myself and others, so I will be doing posts on lesser-known and outright rare diseases.

I am 29 years old. I”ve got a couple years of college under my belt. I work in the non-profit sector.

I am….opinionated, blunt, quirky, kinky, and will post about the most random things in a single post because that’s how my mind works. I actually think I have adult  ADD. Several others think so too, haha. I’ve also been diagnosed as having Unspecified Bipolar. Go figure. No, I’m not any medications. I wish I was, but with no health insurance… kinda screwed. Thank God L qualifies for it.

I am in the process of moving. I have a cat named Posey who is the most affectionate cat I’ve ever came across. It drives me nuts. My friends on facebook are accustomed to seeing me rant about getting ready to Posey-Punt. For the record, I have never actually punted the cat. I just threaten to. Haha.

I have been with my current boyfriend for a couple of years. I never saw myself settling down with him. I still don’t know if this whole thing is going to work. However, we are giving it our best shot.

Okay, that’s enough of an introduction!

PS: The next 2 posts will be about the journey from my daughter’s birth until she came home from the hospital after surgery. I won’t do a lot of posting about her, but I like to get that information out of the way so that people have some knowledge of my background.